Business Insights Analyst Job at Surya Systems

Surya Systems San Francisco, CA

$90 an hour

Position : Business Insights Analyst

Location : SFO, CA (Remote)

Duration : 6+ Months


Data Scientist: Designs, develops and programs methods, processes, and systems to consolidate and analyze unstructured, diverse “big data” sources to generate actionable insights and solutions for client services and product enhancement. Interacts with product and service teams to identify questions and issues for data analysis and experiments. Develops and codes software programs, algorithms and automated processes to cleanse, integrate and evaluate large datasets from multiple disparate sources. Identifies meaningful insights from large data and metadata sources; interprets and communicates insights and findings from analysis and experiments to product, service, and business managers. May be internal operations-focused or external client-focused, working in conjunction with Professional Services and outsourcing functions.

Thanks & Regards ...

G Naveen Kumar

Email :

Desk : 215-344-2345

Surya Systems, Inc

120 E Uwchlan Avenue Suite 203

Exton, PA 19341


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